
The Twisted High School

Author Name: REHANSH CHAUDHARY | Format: Paperback & ebook | Genre: Mystery 

Amazon Sales Rank:  #1 Amazon In Horror And #2 In Crime, thriller and Mystery 

High school is a tricky time, no one emerges the same from it! Not everyone survives. Zenobia is just a simple and normal-appearing high school from the outside but is it?

Mia shifts town with her mother and gets admitted into the aforementioned "twisted institution". Life, when you change homes, is not so easy but misery falls upon the little Mia who faces the unanticipated death of her mother in circumstances she had never imagined.

When you are alone in a new town, your mind makes you do things even you can't believe. That is something that goes on with little M here who does not believe what she had seen with her very own eyes, her mother's death. So she digs up into the case herself which leads Mia to noplace other than the infamous 'Zenobia: The Twisted High School'. 

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